I Love SAP!

Everything going on in my life is all good…

I haven’t been writing much in my blog or at least as much as I used to especially compared to last year. I was thinking “why so?”; well life has been much busier this year since coming (or was drafted) into the SAP implementation project and since being relocated to Harrisburg PA (thanks to my company). I can’t believe that more than half of the year is gone and our fiscal year is pretty much over.

I’ve been in a constant environment of changes, movements, and learning/dealing with things that I didn’t know/dealt with before…

My life is so consumed with never-ending meetings, I can’t believe how many meetings I have to attend at work… deal with this, deal with that, dealing with situations that no one dealt with before, dealing with people that are so different from each other, dealing with people from different parts of the business, dealing with people from different parts of the division/company… Oh what a world… But I like it… I like all the “drama” and the fact that I feel productive. I like what I am doing (although at times I can bitch about it) because I am doing something of big impact to my corporation. I am proud of being part of this project and my team… And I know all this interaction and "dealings" will help me in the future as I know I'll keep on moving up within the corporation.

Moreover, my personal life is overall great. I love my friends, they have become my urban family and I enjoy so much the time we spend together… Our email talks… our going out… their support and acceptance at my “gayness” LOL, they are just amazing… here is a picture with my girls… ahh… love y’all! =)

I finally have my own furniture, my own space, my own image… everything is exactly the way I always wanted it to be… all clean, modern furniture/decoration… it took me a little longer than others but it is finally done and I did it all by myself! And guess what? I can also parallel park LOL LOL LOL that is a BIG deal to me… Gym is back in my routing… and Faust is the cutiest cat in the world... Ah I am so blessed!

It is all good!


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