Seasons Change…

The leaves are turning red now… I can’t believe how fast time goes by… soon it’ll be a year living here…

I haven’t post much… and not sure how long it will take me to post again… not sure why I haven’t post that much lately but I’ve found other priorities, perhaps now that I have internet at my place I’ll post more… not sure…

If one would have a crystal ball so that it can see the future...

The song of this season for me:

Evergreen by Faithless

Running with my rain face on
Today I woke up feeling sad
I know that you said that one day I would be glad
Hold the Choirs of Winter,
The Birds are calling to me and
All the leaves I came to love are falling

Ribbons on evergreen, owls that pull them apart
I can hear you singing my funny valentine
Oh you know that breaks my heart

Hold the choirs of winter,
The Birds are calling to me and
All the leaves I came to love
Oh you know that breaks my heart

Oh you know that breaks my heart

Running with my rain face on
No idea of what to say
No idea of what to do
In this fear that never goes (away…)
Waiting for all my dreams (waiting, all my dreams…)

Oh you know it breaks my heart…

Hold the Choirs of Winter,
The Birds are calling to me and
All the leaves I came to love
Oh you know it breaks my heart

Oh you know it breaks my heart
Oh you know That breaks my heart


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