Any Questions?

Not much to say... just LET'S GO MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must start this blog by saying YAY to the GATORS!!!!! Yeap my team won the BCS National Chompionship… sure there will always be controversy about who is #1 in college football, but you know what? I don’t give a shit! The Gators won and end of the story… You don’t like it? Well too bad for you… go and cry on someone else shoulder =)

Now with the split soup story…

Today I felt like having a delicious lunch at my company’s cafeteria… I just wanted a little salad and a cup of soup as my tummy has been acting up. My soup options: looking like vomit chicken and rice… and looking like really bad vomit pea split soup…

Well my girlfriend likes split soup and I really haven’t had much of it so I gave it a chance (like the song says “All we can sayyyyy is give peas a chance” LOL)… I thought split soup had ham but this one had little pieces of hot dog LOL… I tried as much as possible to skip those little pieces of yiacky stuff but ended up with one… of course, I didn’t eat it…

Overall, the soup was ok… better than it looked… I am not sure why a cafeteria would make that kind of soup, really… it looks so bad that takes away any desire for people to buy it… the pot was almost full and I even got weird looks by other employees when they saw me buying it…

So that’s my story today… wow…

More to come… I’m going for happy hour with my friends with a wonderful temperature of 33 degrees… HHmmmm a little cold for this Southern gal!

Till then keep on staying warm =)

Happy New Year

Yup... a New Year... 2009... It will be a good one because I will make sure of it.

Not sure why but I am full of optimism and in a good mood, which it is something rare for me being such a "Eeyore"ish person (for most of the time, not all the time though).

Rolling back, I had a great time this Xmas with my gf and her craziness with her family and a marvelous New Year’s Eve celebration with my beloved friends and gf; Sandrine, thanks for the fondue it was excellent =)

Sooooo… I am ready to kick this year in a good way.

Running? Working out? I am doing it... my legs/feet have been hurting a little for running "a lot" (I mean I haven't been running a lot but running every time I go to the gym) but I think it was related to my running shoes (Mizuno), so I got the Nike Air Pegasus 25+. Long time ago when I used to actually be part of my country's track and field team I used to wear Air Pegasus for training and they were great. Moreover, the 25+ lets you use the Nike Sportband to keep track of your running performance which it is great when you are training (remember… I have a half marathon to run)… oh and Saturday I received the Sportband, yay! So I am excited to use it today.

Ok back to do what I need to do… Till then keep on running… and celebrating…

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