Happy New Year

Yup... a New Year... 2009... It will be a good one because I will make sure of it.

Not sure why but I am full of optimism and in a good mood, which it is something rare for me being such a "Eeyore"ish person (for most of the time, not all the time though).

Rolling back, I had a great time this Xmas with my gf and her craziness with her family and a marvelous New Year’s Eve celebration with my beloved friends and gf; Sandrine, thanks for the fondue it was excellent =)

Sooooo… I am ready to kick this year in a good way.

Running? Working out? I am doing it... my legs/feet have been hurting a little for running "a lot" (I mean I haven't been running a lot but running every time I go to the gym) but I think it was related to my running shoes (Mizuno), so I got the Nike Air Pegasus 25+. Long time ago when I used to actually be part of my country's track and field team I used to wear Air Pegasus for training and they were great. Moreover, the 25+ lets you use the Nike Sportband to keep track of your running performance which it is great when you are training (remember… I have a half marathon to run)… oh and Saturday I received the Sportband, yay! So I am excited to use it today.

Ok back to do what I need to do… Till then keep on running… and celebrating…


  1. Anibal y Sandrine said...

    Yeah New Year Eve was cool! So will be 2009.

  2. Yoshitoshi said...


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