All right... I tried but I can't help it to post something about one of the things I love the most (really it is impregnated in my heart) and that is my beloved Orlando Magic.

I know the season just started and I know very well how it has gone every season in the past… but this time I feel different about them… I feel like finally we’ve found the right recipe to move forward and be a really good team… the one that can make everyone forget about the curse of the Shaquino or the “old good times” of Shaq and Penny… I feel like dancing just like D-Howard does every time before a game starts...

Dwight Howard is blossoming into a monster on the paint and, pardon to other great players, THE BEST center in the NBA. He is so athletic, fast, and dominant… he takes my breath away every time he does one of his thundering dunks…

And now with Rashad Lewis we are able to hit teams from the inside and outside… in with Dwight and out with Lewis, Hedo, and even Bogans… I mean what the heck is that? Bogans was never an outside shooter, he was just a great defender and now he is 4th on the NBA on 3 pts made??? This is absolutely insane… I mean it… you might not understand unless you are a die hard Magic fan as I am…

Ahh I am so happy… I just hope things keep on going our way… Thanks Stan VG (our coach) for taking the job after we were ridiculed by Billy The Kid (Donovan), thanks for believing that the Magic was just steps away from being a contender on the East…

Sunday when we beat the almighty Celtics I was so emotional that I couldn’t help it to sheer some tears LOL LOL… it made me wanting to be back at “home” at the Amway Arena sharing the win with my brothers/sisters = other Magic fans LOL LOL.

As the slogan for this season says the Time is Now, Be BOLD, Be BLUE…

Till then, LET’S GO MAGIC!!!


  1. allan said...

    I was never a big Magic fan(go Bulls!!!!) but it is definitely nice to see a team that has always seemed to try and do things the "right" way do well. Especially after the Billy Donovan episode.

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