Wow Swank is Almost Here!

And I haven't done much training these past two weeks. I've been in a total "shut-down" mood... my body has responded in a bad way to the colder weather and to the change in hrs (freaking daytime savings). Moreover, I've been quite busy at work...

I just hope I can be ok and finish the race... I hope I don't suffer any major accidents and enjoy the 6-8 hrs of suffering I'll encounter on Sunday at wonderful Pisgah.

I must confess that I am a little hesitant about the race especially due to the lack of training these past two weeks (although I've gone to the gym and done weights)... I've thought about dropping out but I can't do that, it goes against my principles.

Anyways, let's see how things go... I'll post the out coming of my adventure next week…

Till then use warm clothes and go mtn biking!


  1. allan said... did it go?

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