Day 3

Went to the gym last night… it was ok… I was into 20 min of running when nature called! Close call LOL…

I am feeling ok, a little sore, and tired at times… I was thinking about going out to run after work but it gets so dark so soon that I prefer to take tonight as a break/recovering day and go tomorrow and then to the gym… The weather has been so nice (and hot yeah hot! Here I come again “this CPA weird weather!) that I should go out to run during the weekends so I get used to being outdoors instead of always indoor at the gym…

I am also thinking (and notice I wrote “thinking”!!!) to start waking up a little bit early in the mornings so I can go and run at least 30 min and then get ready and go to work… then after work go to the gym and run another 20-30 min and do weights… Mmmm I will try to do so this up coming week. The following one will be hard as I will giving/conducting training… yeah super tolerance/patience me will be doing that… we shall see what happens…

November 6 2008
- 20 min running almost 2 miles (had to stop thanks to nature’s call LOL)
- 40 min intense biceps/triceps workout and a little bit of abs

November 7 2008

- Break/recovery


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