Be Strong!

Hang in there Mr. Super Man... It is not your time to go flying to other skies... I could only imagine how hard, painful, and tired all this can be, but from all the people in the world you've always been the one that has been able to overcome all obstacles in life...

You've been my inspiration, model, and the person I've always looked after since I was a little kid, I am so proud of you... and now it is not time to go anywhere... you need to keep on fighting... I know you've had a good life and you have had fun, you've been around the world and even being Mr. Gay CRC couple times...

You think/feel it might be your “time” and you are ok with that; however, there is still so much life has to offer dear bro... there are more nieces, nephews to see/meet (hopefully my kid someday!), there are still more adventures in life... more places to see... more people to meet... more businesses to make... more toys to buy (and DVDs!!), and more love for you...

I am here for you… I love you very much… so please be strong!


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