Rock a Bye

What a weekend and what a week thus far...

Friday-Sunday: I drove back to Melbourne, FL for my MBA graduation ceremony... It was a long trip but it felt good to see some of my class mates and visit with my best friend, George, and my ex-puppies Fritz and Hans... I finally feel like I have moved on and now Asheville is home.

** Especial Section on The Tragic, I mean The Magic's misfortunes: Yes, I can’t let go on this one... while I was in FL my beloved Magic signed Billy The Kid (Billy Donovan = UF basketball coach) as our new coach... Euphoria... rockets flying thru the sky... what better combination... Billy is like a God in Gatornation and we saw him as the savior of the Tragic... 200 season tickets were sold right after the announcement... and then tragedy strikes again for the Magic. Billy had a change of heart and now wants to get out of the contract to go back to UF. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!?????? This is just not fair... a felt good story now has turned into another source of jokes for the Magic bashers, the NBA, and even all pro-sports (even Sarah Silverman is going to use it for new material on her stand ups). This is just becoming a typical matter on the Tragic family... we are taken as a joke! No respect what so ever!


I am a Gator fan but a Magic girl first and no matter what people who can't keep their word and contracts deserve no respect from moi! Now here we go again in a mess trying to solve this situation and now getting another coach, someone that really wants to be in Orlando (which it is not becoming an easy task because remember the Magic has no respect)... in what it has become the norm for us Magic fans... When are we getting over the curse of the Shaq-ino????? Please!!!!!!!! Oh no no oh no... D-Howard don't leave us! I know you deserve better than this constant freaking joke of what has become the Magic norm of business... but please stay!!! LOL Ok ok enough I am getting very upset now…

Sunday: Drove to Greenville to pick my new mnt bike (it is a beauty!) and from there back to Asheville... it was good to be home even though the marvelous cat-dog, Faust, had made a mess all over my bedroom...

Thus far this week: I've been learning more about myself and now more things make way more sense to me, but even though I know that there are feelings of constant highs and lows... I just need to cope with it and remind myself that everything is going to be all right and that overall everything is great. I'll go to do another 5k tonight at the gym that should help! I can’t wait to get my mnt bike out for a ride!

Oh gosh I really need to finish this budget and I have no desire to do anything related to it... but I better do it... deadline is Monday!


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