
That's it folks, after three weeks of limited sleep, lost of 6-5 lbs, waste of lots of paper and toner (see image).... the budget was completed. Of course, after our corporate review now I have more action items for this coming Monday, but the hardest part is now over and we just have to do the “twicking” parts.

It was quite an experience to say the least... I really worked hard (at the end, I did more schedules than my co leads) being this my first budget process with this company... and taking into consideration that I had minimum support from corporate and that I didn't get any training related to this I feel good and confident in what I presented. Overall, my bosses were very satisfied with my work and even congratulated me in a job well done… that makes me happy and all those sacrifices I had do to during the process worth it.

Of course, the lack of sleep, food, and at times compulsive “episode” behaviors raised some flags… but well, what can I say… this is the way I am and the way I’ve worked all my life. Whenever there is a deadline I have to meet, I really leave everything and everyone at side in order to get the work done… it is important to me to do whatever it takes to meet a deadline. Then, I can return to “back to normal” mood and operate at what people might consider the “norm.”

Although what’s “normal”? I really don’t know… what can be “normal” for someone can be the opposite to others… I really don’t know… The deal is that I am back to sleeping, eating, playing with Faust, having the door of my office open, talking to people, training/going to the gym, and even updating my blog.

It is such a beautiful day… at least for what I can remember before stepping into my office, what a shame to spend it here…

A little bit ago, I was talking to some of the “young” engineering guys at the plant… for some strange reason they came by my office to ask about fixed assets definitions and listing… one conversation lead to mnt biking and rock climbing… well one of them gave me good tips and a map for mnt bike trails… I am tempted to go and try them on my own and enjoy the summer days out and letting this be the time for me to connect with me and with nature, plus I really don't like waiting for people to come around and do things with me (it seems we all end up in different schedules)… I might go with the "smart dudes" next week mnt biking and even to do some rock climbing in the future, yeayie! That is so exciting and makes me a happy camper… stay tune!
Ok... I am leaving soon... perhaps I can attempt Fletcher Creek... yeah!


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