I Am Back!

It has been about a week since I updated my blog. Oh so many things have happened this past week… I am still recovering and grasping it. Taking a look at the big picture all I can say is that I am happy to be here… being able to type, write, laugh, smile, breathe, walk…

Sometimes you have to lose it all in order to appreciate the simple things… sometimes you have to lose your mind in order to see clear… sometimes things happen just because they happen and trying to always make sense of things is just unjustifiable. People say that what doesn't kill you make you stronger... perhaps that's the true, but I see is as what doesn't kill you make you more compassionate, understanding, and human.

Life can truly throw hard curve balls at you… isn’t it? The idea is, “what are you going to do with those curve balls?” In my case, I’ve learned a lot… I have a better perspective and outcome about life in general. I know I have choices and it is up to me what to do with them. It is up to me to be better, it is up to me to be the warrior and not the victim, it is up to me to get healthier, it is up to me to make life the way I deserve it, it is up to me to conquer, it is up to me to let the true beauty inside me out, it is up to me to have hope.

For the first time in my life I can say I am really in peace, happy, and in-love with myself.

I am reborn.

My body and soul were broken… but I’ve found the tools, support, and strength to get up and be better, now I understand more about everything that has happened and about myself… I am taking the steps necessary to “fix” me… I am making incredible progress… I am so proud of myself and I know there is a better present and future on my path. I will never give up!

I don’t have an answer and I don’t need an answer… I just need time and patience to let life solve this. Remember the good and smile at it for to me there were more goods than “not so good”…


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