This morning I had one of the worse experiences of my life (ok I am using a little bit of exaggeration to make an impacting point LOL), I killed a squirrel. Out of nowhere this little creature jumped into my car and as much as I tried to avoid it I felt a little bump... when I looked on my rear mirror there it was... a little patch on the road... a second ago that patch used to be a squirrel LOL. It was sad! I laugh because maybe other people won't think too much of it, but in my case that was the first time I ran over a little living creature... I hope she/he didn't have kids, mortgages, car payments, etc LOL to take care of.

Is it raining? I don't even know... I've been at my office dealing with inventory... in the laps of this morning I've received about 10 emails about it... Oh well, that's why they pay me the big bucks LOL (I wish...).

On the bright side I received an email from my boss' boss (big Controller Kahuna) this morning letting me know some new assignments I will take on (supply chain management logistics) and also is reaffirming that he wants me to give him a career plan for 2-5-10 years. Furthermore, he will be talking to my boss about the re-assignments and personnel moves on the following months/year. We'll see how that goes... In any case, working on supply chain management/logistics will give me the opportunity to gain more experience and more to put on my resume... regardless of staying at this company or moving somewhere else.


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