The tile pretty much summarizes my day today at work. What a day!
After so much anticipation my company finally parted ways from the conglomerate we were part of and has finally become a new independent corporation being traded on the NYS. Today we joined our “brothers and sisters” around the world (50 different countries, 100K employees) to celebrate this new milestone in our corporation.

It feels “weird” and exciting to be part of this process… and at the same time sort of “small” to know that I am part of such a big corporation… I mean c’mon 50 countries and 100K plus people… that’s a lot! It makes me wonder what the future could bring to me and my career now… I hope it just goes up from here on!

At the same time, I received some sad news about people in the organization leaving to pursue new opportunities with other companies. And the biggest shock of all is Brad – our Director of Global Ops – leaving. He was one of those guys I admired and looked after… he is in his mid-late 30’s, very smart, funny, and good looking; a person that empowered his managers and made them accountable for their decisions and actions… overall, he was a hope and example for me to follow… I thought, “wow look at him, he is young and in such a powerful/high level position” Mmmm all this makes me once again wonder about my future here… Moreover, that makes one less person I can talk about sports and UFC fights! LOL.

Good luck Bradley!

More interesting/funny news… I received 17 new pens (LOL) from Greg, our Director of Global Quality, during his visit to our plants today LOL. They are all a collection from hotels he has stayed. I am not joking… see picture above! LOL. He has heard endless stories from our ops people here about how tight and mean I am about spending… to a point that I make people justify expenses for office supplies and even toilet paper (LOL of course the TP is just me giving them a hard time and kidding around). At the end, every time someone goes to an hotel (whether it is on business or recreational trips) they end up bringing hotel pens so we can have something to write with LOL.

Hey, I am just following orders to cut spending and to have cost cut initiatives to achieve the corporate strategic goals LOL… Ahh I love finance LOL.


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