The Constant

Since I moved here to Harrisburg there has been a constant: shitty weather. I think all my blogs since moving here have a mention of it… snow, freeze, and now rain… and more rain… until today. Today has been a beautiful day; the sun is out, the sky blue, but a little chilly and windy… but heck it is like paradise compared to the past weeks…

Last weekend I went to visit my friend Karen to her place at MA and the whole weekend was gloomy/grey and it seemed that whenever we headed out of her house it would start to rain… gosh!! Then back to Harrisburg and it was raining all the time.

All this weather didn’t help me with the moving… yes I am STILL in the moving process… I think this has been the most painful and dragging move I’ve ever had! Today I woke up hurting everywhere and with little sleep thanks to Faust never-ending meow, he was driving me crazy!! But well I can’t really get upset with him, it is a new place and it takes time (and furniture) to get used to… oh yeah I order my furniture yesterday, yay! I will FINALLY have a real bed =)

I’m tired… I’ll spend this holiday weekend cleaning, and cleaning, and more cleaning, and oh yeah cleaning more… the place really needs deep cleaning!!! But I am getting there in couple weeks the apartment should be the way I need/want it to be =)

Oh gosh just looking forward everything when this moving is finally done to get back to all my activities such as work-out, mtn biking, running and do some races!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hey Marcela--yeah I wish it had been nicer outside for your visit. It's been like this since October, and I've had it too! I just want it to hit 50 degrees, with no wind, and sunshine. That's too much to ask for March--but I can hope....Karen

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