It has been a while since I wrote anything in my blog… but I don’t have much to write… sport related? Nothing… watching March Madness whenever I can especially that I don’t have a TV (can you believe that! Each night when I get to my apt feels like going to a sanctuary or church… silence…).

Most days I am just tired… the weather here is gloomy… rainy… and if it is sunny it is always windy and cold… People tell me “you are lucky! This winter was a mild one!” oh well yeah woopy! Who gives a shit what they tell me… what really matters to me is how it feels and to me it feels just like another shitty day.

I try to bring myself up and not be such an Eeyore (I’ve been compared to him way too many times) but it is hard you know…

This weekend was a mix of highs and lows… I finally decided to stop being in such a stage of “puff” and told myself “ok Monday you are getting up early like normal people do… up at 6:30 am and get out to run at least 30 min… then go to work and get there at 8:00 am like everyone does…” Well I actually woke-up at 6:30 am… I took a look outside the window and what did I see?? Shitty weather… gloomy, almost raining, people wearing heavy coats, and the wind blowing hard. What did I do? Jumped back to bed LOL.

The only good thing about this is that I actually got up at a normal time and got to work at 8:00 am, WOW LOL. Tonight I am going to the gym! I will try tomorrow to run… but it has been raining the whole day today and it is so cold… hopefully it won’t be like that tomorrow morning…


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