This was another week-end with highs and lows… mostly highs but some lows (yeap nothing can be totally peachy, you know…):

Thursday: wine extravaganza at one of Miss Allison’s friend’s place… I think I ended up drinking a little too much and eating too little… such a combination is fatal! Today, I saw the pictures of that evening and I really don’t like the way I look (thus, I won’t display any in this blog!)… There are serious things going on with me that I noticed thanks to the pics: 1- My pose: I need to improve the way I stand because Quasimodo has a more elegant stand than me, 2- My body proportions: I look really weird! Especially my boobs… they look just weird! 3- Remember that a pic last forever: ayy there is one picture of me that speaks values of my “joking” forms… I look like a drunken… and I thought it would be funny… sure when you are tipsy but later on is not funny at all… 4- Don’t open your mouth after 4 drinks: yes, it can end up making someone uncomfortable and hurting myself more than possible human.

Friday: After slowly recovering from Thursday, my friend Liza called and we got together for a night of burritos, beer, and a movie. She is a really funny person that brings some other views/perspectives into my life… I really like the way she is and her comments… she is just a very smart person! I had a good time watching The Queen with her and playing with her doggie, Magic. I knew she was a big LOL Gamecock LOL LOL (OMG what a nickname LOL that’s for University of South Carolina) fan, but not to the degree I just found out… this is a picture of her Gamecock (LOL) sanctuary.

Saturday: NFL Draft baby! What a better way to spend a Saturday watching the draft… I didn’t want to spend it alone, eating some Doritos and drinking beer by myself, so after the gym I geared up with my beloved #18 jersey (yes that’s Payton’s a.k.a Future Father of My Baby number) and headed out to Wild Wings in downtown AVL. I was at the bar watching the draft and enjoying a New Castle draft and a burger when the guys around me started to talk to me… Of course, I ended up with invitations to go out… and even they thought I was a “bookie” because of my “extensive” NFL knowledge LOL…. Yeap, it looks like I am a guy’s dream come true LOL… After getting annoyed by the “breeders” display of attention… I left to the Wine Market… had some wine tasting… bought some wine (because you can’t ever had too much of it, right?) and went to Old Europe café… finally, I headed home… Miss Allison called…and we went for a glass of wine to some new wine-café place in downtown… from there… home… watched a weird movie (Birth) and to bed…

** Special Section = My take on the NFL Draft: 1. WTF did Miami do???? I mean I know it would have been ironic to take Brady Quinn after giving up a second round to the Vikings for Daunte… but… Brady is way too good and young (and cute) and Daunte is old coming out from injury (and not as cute as Brady)… 2. Why everyone does hate Brady? All the guys around me were laughing every time they showed him on TV waiting to be drafted, saying “Ha ha take that pretty boy”…I think that he is super cute (to help his cause), he has a good character, he is a leader, he had great stats (except on the Fiesta or Doritos or one of those chips bowls), perhaps the only thing didn’t work on his favor is that he is a Fighting Irish and honestly I can’t stand Notre Dame, the same way it goes with Duke… remember the JJ Redrick haters? I never understood that… I actually liked JJ (and I don’t say it because he is with the Tragic-Magic now) although I can’t stand Dukie… Ok and here I go talking about basketball when I should be talking about football... well it is my blog so I can do that, right? LOL LOL 3. Why do the Lions keep on drafting WR year after year? I mean Calvin Johnson is a heck of an athletic but don't you need a QB to throw to a WR??? 4- Overall, a good draft: most teams drafted in a smart way to fill their needs (expect Texans and Titans, but what do you expect right?), some smart moves by Panthers... 5- Overall draft winner: and the winner is.... Cleveland Browns! Yeah baby, Wright, Brady Quinn, Thomas... top of the notch!

Sunday: Forget about this Sunday!

During last week: here are some pics of The Marvelous Cat-Dog: Faust Picasso… He is really funny; I can’t get tired of his silliness and hyperactivity… I really think he thinks he is a dog… his new favorite toy is a dog bone… Oh yeah, and this is just one of his famous poses when he is drinking water out of the “mysterious magical fountain” as I think that’s what he thinks it is… LOL


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