The Flu, Snow, and More Snow

I am finally in Harrisburg.

I left Asheville Saturday (it was such a beautiful day) around 6:30 pm and arrived to Harrisburg at 4:00 am Sunday. It was a long trip but I had fun!

Faust was a great little boy... although I had to stop every now and then to give him some love and pet him, making him feel that everything was ok...

Well, I went to sleep at 4:20 am and then woke-up around 9:15 am... when I looked outside the window there it was... snow... OMG! And not only that, the temperature was really low and super windy. When I was trying to move things out of my car I was feeling like the cold/wind were going thru my skin/muscles…

Anyways, so that has been pretty much the weather here... cold, windy, and snowy...

Today is the second day I've spent it at the hotel room because I caught the cold/flu that is going around... I am feeling sick, tired, beat-up... I am staying in, resting, drinking liquids and hopefully after hibernating this weekend I'll be all ready to go next week.

Mtn biking and running... well will need to wait until I am better. I'm looking for a gym around and for a mtn bike group (a friend I recently made that lives here in Harrisburg told me about a mtn bike group so she is going to send me the info)...

Till then keep on hopefully getting better and fight this darn flu!


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