Soooooo… just like the title says I didn’t do the race. How come? I arrived really late or if you want to see it this way really early Saturday… I’ve got back to my place at 1ish am and finally went to bed at 2ish am…

I set up all the alarms I could so I would get up in time to go to the race… but I never heard them… I was supposed to be up at 9 am in order to be on time at the race but when I woke up it was 10:20 Ops!

I was not upset… I mean maybe I was pushing myself a little too much by trying to do a race the day after coming back from a hectic trip (let’s put it this way I will try to avoid as much as possible any flight connection to Charlotte’s airport!! And when I am carrying Faust –my cat- with me!).

Still, I went ahead with the plan of mtn biking. Got everything ready and left to Fontana… it was a 2 hrs drive (160 miles round trip) so I could bike Tsali’s trails… It was such a perfect day! The weather was perfect: 60ish, blue skies, not a lot of people around… I was sooo happy to be back mtn biking.

I did both loops – Mouse Branch first = 8.7 miles and then Thompson Loop = 7.3 miles. I haven’t been to Tsali in almost 7-8 months! Ahh it was really nice… and it was really especial to be back alone just to think about life, the way things are unraveling now with my career… and life… I think everything really happens for a reason and thus far for good reasons (at least in my case). I am very blessed!

At the end I did more miles than what I signed up for the race, race = 7-14 miles.

I’m planning on doing some mtn biking this week but it has been raining… I also want to do some trail running… I hope the weather gets better.

Till then keep on biking!!!

Pst: Not the best pic of Tsali but I forgot about taking a pic until the end... so it happened to be where there were not too many trees LOL duh LOL.


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