I can’t believe how much crap I have now that I am packing and preparing to departure for good to Harrisburg.

This whole week I’ve been moving things, packing, sorting, and just trying to figure out how in the heck I ended up with more things that I thought I had. I can’t believe how many glasses I have, really!!! I have three sets of wine glasses, two of water glasses, one set just for cappuccino (like if I drink that many!), one for regular coffee, one for beer…

And Gosh I must have been in the mood for Thai food one day that I went shopping at the market LOL, I have like ten boxes of Thai noodles and sauces, beans… 10 cans of all kind of different beans plus couple bags of beans LOL LOL… And to my disbelieve I found out that I ate way too much take-out Chinese food when I counted the fortune cookies I have… I am not even going to write the number because I feel a little embarrassed LOL.

With all the moving you start to find places that maybe, without any initial harm, you might have created a little hole and now you would like to fix so hopefully you can get your full deposit back.

I consider myself a not at all handy person… not that I am lazy it is that it is not in my veins to pick up a hammer and fix stuff… I prefer to pay someone to do things and do them right the first time. I know if I try to do it I’ll spend more time and money! Still, I decided to “fix” a hole I made when I was trying to put a bar to hang clothes (one of the few “home improvement” projects I took on LOL). As you can see it is not the prettiest thing isn’t it? LOL I guess that really reaffirms that I am not into fixing things…

Where is my friend Karen (oh yeah in Mass LOL) or Caryn (oh yeah working some weird schedules) or Jeff (oh yeah wooing some ladies) when I need them LOL they are the ones who tell me they are into home improvement and can fix it all… Oh well… Keep on packing!


  1. Anonymous said...

    I thought that was a pencil glued to paper....whoa girl! What did you use for the patch job?! Don't worry--it's in the closet--the landlord will never notice it :)

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