And The Award...

For best mtn biking fall thus far in my semi-self-indulging pain wanna be mtn biker career goes to: Jan 19 at 12ish pm at Bent Creek’s in one of the darn frozen bridges at Explore Loop (or maybe was Pine Tree Loop right before you make it to Explore…).

It was a cold gloomy Saturday in the 30’s with chances of snow but that was not going to stop us, I mean I’ve ridden when it was in the upper 10’s the only part I had never done was riding on the snow, also my friend Karen came all the way from Massachusetts to ride so I was not going to let that opportunity go away, right?… This reminds me that that was her first time also riding on the snow so I guess we both lost our “mtn biking on the snow” virginity LOL.

Anyways, my friend Karen and moi went to pick up her rental bike near the entrance of Pisgah. I thought about riding DuPont because it is such a spectacular place but with the snow that had fallen the prior days and the cold weather I didn’t think that would be a wise decision especially for someone out of town (Karen)… DuPont is technical and slippery by default now imagine how it could be under the conditions we were facing Saturday…

Well I took her to Bent Creek (yes I know… BC… but hey that’s always a good place to go regardless of the weather conditions) and my idea was to go from Pinnacle Rice parking to Wolf Branch to Ingles Gap to Five Points to 2 options: Hickory Gap-Side Hill or Greens Lick to Lower Sidehill to around the lake to Pine Tree Loop to Hardtimes Connector back to the parking lot. After we did half of Wolf Branch (when you can turn right to Ledford Branch) it was just way too muggy-slushy and not a good sign for continuing with my plan especially that I know the trails I wanted to go by now would be almost destroyed.

I took Karen to Ledford Branch went back to the parking and took the Hardtimes Connector to Pine Loop to Explore… I was going to pass over a bridge and I did a really back corner… frozen bridge… going perhaps a little too fast… etc etc… and frazzzz I felt into the creek which it had some nice size rocks LOL… according to Karen it was a 7 foot fall… well this is the first time I’ve made something similar to a scream before falling LOL…

So there I was in the creek all wet and trying to catch my breath (I got my wind knocked out). I must say it was a good fall! LOL now I have some really nice bruises and a little cut on the elbow but other than that everything is ok (see pics). I am so proud of myself because guess what??? I was able to unclip right before my fall LOL LOL that is a HUGE step for me LOL. My poor friend Karen freaked out I felt so bad for her… but I just got up and we kept on biking our way back to the parking lot, she couldn’t believe I wanted to continue biking but you know me… unless something is really broken I keep on going =) (oh yeah later that afternoon we saw my friend Jenn and she confirmed to Karen that I am sort of a bad ass and even if I fall I keep on going LOL that made Karen feel better LOL).

I had such a great weekend… one of the best I’ve had in a long time even with the crash… too bad it came to an end so fast and I had to come back to Harrisburg…

I’ll try to bring my mtn bike next time I go to Asheville… I’ve heard there are some good trails around here especially in Lancaster.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Your the baddest "bad-ass" ever. I'll ride with you any day. Thanks for a fantastic time!

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