First Race Of The Year!

I’ve signed up for my first race of 2008 = ICYCLE on Saturday, Feb 2 at Fontana Village; that’s about 30-40 min from Asheville… I think… I haven’t been there in a while!

I’m very excited and concerned at the same time because I haven’t been doing any mtn biking in a while. The last time mtn biking was about two weeks ago when I had the infamous “best crash of the year.” Also, I am sure it is going to be cold, snowy, and icy.

Moreover, the date will be the next day after I return from Harrisburg, PA. In fact, my plane is scheduled to land at 12:10 am that Saturday; the good thing is that the race starts at 12:10 pm so that should give me enough time to sleep and get ready for the race.

Let’s see how that goes… I just really didn’t want to miss the chance to do the first race of the year round Western North Carolina and especially that I don’t know if I’ll be able to do much racing this year…

Till then keep on pedaling!


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