Just Starting Once Again

Since I've been at Harrisburg PA I haven't been doing much of training/working out... Well that has been changing since last week and since my race is in couple days I knew I needed to get to some "shape" once again.
Therefore, I've been going to the gym doing some good cardio and weights, mostly focusing on my legs. It really feels good to be back at the gym and working out... getting all out... the good and the bad, it just makes me feel better.
Tomorrow I'm leaving to go back to "Ashevegas"... I am looking forward it but at the same time I feel strange to leave Harrisburg... it feels like this is already home to me. Well I'll be back in a week or two it is strange how quickly I can get used to a new place.
Anyways, looking forward my race on Saturday and doing some mtn biking while I am at Asheville. I am also looking forward seeing people at church on Sunday, my "Unitarian Young Adults" they said they are waiting for me... that was nice to know!
I'll post pics from my race... also I am happy to know that some of my fellow Pisgah SORBA members are going to be there, YAYIE!


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