Yesterday, I met my friend Jeff (aka Mr. Unicycle Man) to go up to Black Mountain to conquer Kitsuma. This was my very first time there and pretty much my first time doing a ride at Black Mtn.

Thus far, it is THE most technical ride I've done! The uphills were tough... to points that I had to just hike them... there were too many tree roots and obstacles making it difficult to get any traction on the uphills.

Once we got to the top of Kitsuma the fun/scary/crazy part started. OMG, OMG... that's all I started to say when I saw the downhill... and that was just the first one LOL... the rest got more scary and tough.

There were times I really thought I was going to fall off the trail and end up going down the mountain... it really was scary and I had my heart pumping all the way thru the ride!

After the mtn part was over, we had a tedious uphill ride on concrete for what it seemed to me hrs... but it was just about less than 1 hr or so... however, we did it wearing lights because by the time we were done with the mtn part of Kitsuma it was dark! That's a first one for me... riding in the dark.

Thanks Mr. UniMan for taking me there and allowing me to conquer and experience the freakiest (thus far) ride of my young mtn biking addiction LOL.


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