This Apple Sucks!

I am eating an apple and it doesn't have any taste... it totally sucks... and now that I caught your attention let me say: Happy Hump Day!
The week is almost gone which makes me a happy woman! Is it bad that when Monday comes I am already thinking about Friday? LOL and the worse part is that all I want to do is for the weekend to come so I can go and ride?
I can’t help but to feel the intense need to mtn bike or do “something,” the funniest and most ridiculous thing is that working (in my mind) doesn’t count as doing “something” LOL LOL so if it is up to me I’ll be out in the mtns all the time or at the gym.
What’s wrong?
I asked that to my therapist yesterday. I told her about my almost “compulsive obsession” with mtn biking to points that I don’t even care that much about getting beat up or spending money on mtn biking equipment… After some discussion it seems (in my mind) that mtn biking keeps me sane and makes me feel alive, those freaky endorphins, plus it is a good way to just relax and let it be.
Mmmm interesting… and with that said more and more I feel so content about everything in my life. As the days go by I feel no need to reach out to find someone to date or any of that stuff… it is weird I don’t feel the need of being with anyone even at times the need to be with some friends! HOWEVER, LOL, if someone comes along the way then magnific! I am not that "I don't want anyone in my life" sort of person...
Anyways… I did a quick ride Monday at BC to keep on practicing with my clips… those darn things are going to kill me LOL but if that’s the case ahhh it was all well worth it LOL. Tuesday, 4 miles quick run and biceps/triceps work out at the gym. Tonight? Some quick riding at Mills River and then quick legs work out at the gym.
Thursday, probably Turkey Pen ride. Friday, I have a party from the Downtown Association so I guess no training that day (puff), time to socialize and meet new people! Saturday, not sure… I have some people that have told me they want to do a long ride so not sure who is coming or where we are going to end up at. Sunday, the same as Saturday and working out too.
So there you have it…
Oh yeah see pic below of my ridding buddy Jenn in her attempt to cross a river at DuPont. You go girl (with Tyra Banks accent LOL)


  1. allan said...

    Socialize and meet new people? BLECH!!! J/K. Sorta. I'm sure u'd rather be riding though. Hows the training for Swank going?

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