Back to training

Yup... I started my training again... I had a great run last night (even though I was still feeling a little under the weather)... the afternoons/early evenings at Asheville are getting prettier and prettier... just like a baby. How come? You know... babies are sort of ugly when they are born (they look like ET) and then as they start to grow up they sort of get cute especially if they have a good gene pool LOL ayy that sounded kind of mean but LOL it is all true! LOL LOL LOL

OK where was I? Oh yeah... training LOL... Yup... I am back on track... did a little over 30 min = a little over 6 laps around the park. The problem is that I don't know what each lap = in miles or/and km so I am sort of lost in that area... Mmmm I might do some research and find out more about the park measurements!

In my blogging research I came around this blog from Miki... she does some long distance - ultra marathon running and a good source of help/inspiration (I like her group of crazy long distance runner friends): She was telling me about the Where's Waldo 100K in Aug... that should be interesting!! Thanks for your advice and encourangement "Angry Short Person" LOL.

OK.. time to go, get the heck out of work and do my 40 min run and then shoulders work-out... I am hungry!!! LOL Why am I always hungry??? LOL I am so ready for a burrito and a cold beer... but that's tomorrow with my friend Liza... Mmmm


  1. Miki said...



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