It was a good weekend… kind of a “go-go” one, but overall I had a good time… the only part I am disappointed is that I have busted my halfie training as I was not able to do my 3 mile on Sunday. Anyways, this is a summary of the weekend:

Friday: after work I went to get a haircut so I would look decent for the DA5 event. After the haircut, went home and got ready… arrived Downtown at 6 and from there it was an adventure to find a freaking parking spot. During that process, I met with some of the “young” guys from work and we had a good talk in our way to DA5. When I arrived to DA5 I went into full gear pouring beer at the international beer booth.

After an hour or so of being there I was promoted (LOL) to the “common people beer booth” where it was madness! I didn’t stop for a second… I kept on pouring beer and laughing at Jason’s (one of my “gays”) comments about the beer and people. Let me tell you, that booth was “gay-lesbian central” OMG this was the first time I came in contact with sooooo many gay/lesbian people from Asheville LOL… and the best part they actually looked like nice/decent people… and the girls looked like girls with a brain and profession LOL…. I was amazed!

Saturday: Forget about it!

Sunday: I woke up around 11 am feeling sick and tired. Cleaned the house, tried to get ticket for the Smashing Pumpkins (which it was impossible because their ticket server crashed), went back home… had lunch… took a little nap that lasted about 5 hrs LOL, woke up at almost 8 pm… had dinner… cleaned my shoes… and went back too bed…. I didn’t do my training; I was feeling really weird/sick…

So here I am… at work… thinking about just starting my training again… what a shame!


  1. Miki said...

    Hi yoshitoshi. Thanks for coming to my blog which introduced me to yours. It's nice to tap into someone who is infinitely more humorous and well writ than I. Good luck with destroying your body towards the half. I know exactly what you mean. It is totally fun going towards that goal. And you know, sometimes things do fall apart ( in my case), but with others, it all works out. Each body is different. You just need to learn to listen to what it is saying. So, maybe you're uber training goals will work for you! :)

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