Cheers to Friday!

Thus far I’ve been able to keep up with my training. I am excited. I like the way I feel (mostly sore but that’s the kind of “good” pain). I keep on challenging myself to other levels… I am sure the more I do this training the more wacko I am going to get in my ruinings… I am so ready to try some trail running… Mmm maybe this weekend or next one….

I am glad it is Friday and a long weekend waits for me. I am really looking forward spending time with my love… it has been 5 days since the last time we saw each other… wow time goes by slow and fast at the same time!

I was really surprised that my friend Liza asked me about how I was doing… it seemed to her I was not the same old same old… but can you blame me? At times I don’t feel happy or super WOWOWOWOWOW, but I don’t feel any need to worry about work… personal life… and my beautiful self….

Well, is it time to go? I will like to escape from work right now… it should be really nice out, the weather has been perfect lately…


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