Bent Creek: Sidehill Loop

I recieved a call this afternoon from my friend Brian (a.k.a Mr. Triathlon Man - he really is! he even has the triathlon timex logo tattoed in his ankle LOL-) to see if I wanted to meet him at 6 pm to ride at Bent Creek... of course I said yes!

It was a great ride! This was my first time riding with him and we got to talk a lot (which I was amazed taking into consideration that I am usually out of breath when I mnt bike so I don't talk much), he is a great guy and gave me lots of tips, we also talked about some people we know (here it comes the 2 degrees of separation in Asheville), and I believe this is the beginning of a new good friendship!

We did Sidehill Loop and had a blast! About 8 miles or so it took us about an hour or so... but like I said the best part was the "bounding" process. I won't get to ride with him next week to two weeks as he is preparing for another triathlon in Sept but then we will hit the mountains again!

Saturday morning I'll be meeting another new found mnt biker friend, Tara, for some riding at Bent Creek... Ahhh I can't wait to get out there again!

Raise the glass to Bent Creek.

Next mission: Cleats! That's it... next week I'll start my process of learning how to ride with cleats... Brian gave me some tips (and told me where I can train) and Tara is willing to show me some cleats and help me with that. Yeayiee!


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