The Mystery of Tencha

Today my immediate boss has achieved the level I haven’t been at in a while… he totally pissed me off (yes not upsetting… nop… pissed me off!).

I don’t get it, is he becoming a woman? I know that comment is a little sexist but… we women are well known for our wonderful hormones that make us go into “yes-no” moods in nanoseconds. Well, my boss is getting to be like that. He tells me one thing and then he sends an email to everyone (including the Holy Trinity) saying something different than what he asked me to do…

So in the mist of all these swingings I vocalized (in my office with the door closed, of course, LOL) “me cago en Tencha!” The people that know me know that I don’t say any kind of profanity, do I think about it? Of course! I am human… but do I say something? Usually no… The translation of “me cago en Tencha” is “I shit on Tencha” LOL.

Well I started to think why Costa Ricans say they shit on poor Tencha? And who was Tencha anyways? LOL LOL and why is she being abused to the point that people are shitting all over her? Would that be a sign of discrimination against women? But if so why even us, women, shit on her? Is that putting something in our subconscious that make us, women, be ok if others shit on us? LOL what would Tencha represent? Would Tencha be = to all frustration of the human race? Was the shitting on Tencha based on actual facts that were so impacting that have been passed from generations to generations of Costa Ricans? LOL LOL...

Oh the infinitive sky of possibilities and questions…

Maybe Tencha represents a lot of things… maybe all those unexplainable forces… or maybe the explainable forces that people decide to overlook just because... or logical things that we try to not pay attention such as the principles of economics “nothing is free”… you know your free lunch cost something to someone else…

Mmmm something to think about in my afternoon break.


  1. Daribella said...

    I could just picture you really mad in your office, and then a moment of silence...
    (Moment of Silence)
    (Moment of Silence)
    Then you start thinking...who the hell is Tencha and why are we shitting on her LOL. This blog is way too funny, because I could relate. Puertoricans also have a similar one as costaricans: "Me cago en na" Na=nada(nothing) in english "I will shit on nothing" let's do more thinking. Why are people shitting on nothing, what's the purpose then? at least costaricans shit on someone lol Things that make you go hmmmm!

  2. Yoshitoshi said...

    LOL LOL the thoughts of shitting eh? LOL LOL not even the sky is the limit LOL LOL

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