Got Flat-ro?

Today, I decided to go for an unhealthy lunch… something that I haven’t had in a while (not even when the Bele Chere festivities were going on) a Gyro <-- do you hear the voices of angels singing AHHHHHH LOL.

C’mon the “lamb” thing that they use for the gyro sandwich is not really lamb is like saying bologna is prime rib LOL, that “gyro” meat is full of fat (I would think it has 2000 calories from which 1750 are from fat LOL) and probably mice feet LOL LOL… but heck this woman had a crave for a gyro so there!

While they were preparing the sandwich I was looking at the cheesy poster they had of a “sort-of-Greek-looking” woman with her mouth open ready to devour the delicious gyro… it looks like the “monopoly” for gyro “stuff” is a company called Kronos. I started to wonder “do people know who Krono was?”… Of course I know it because 1-I know the most unexpected things (such as why cocktails are called cocktails LOL) and 2-I love Greek/Italian mythology.

Then I started to look at the process of how they were preparing the gyro and I thought about the way it was being done also at Bele Chere, and then I thought about prior experiences too… they put the “gyro meat” into a grill and cook it… and then they put the pita bread on the grill too to get it warm… so why is it gyro called gyro when the meat is not in a rotisserie/gyro anymore? Should it be called “Flat-ro”? but then it is called Gyro because of the original way the meat was cooked or because the sandwich components are rolled into a pita?

Hmmm something to think about…


  1. Anonymous said...

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