That's pretty much it... at times you just want to say it all, sometimes you want to talk without stopping... but what if you have done that and now even though you think and feel you have more to say it wouldn't make any impact anyways?

The key perhaps are not words... I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words... Anyone can say a lot, anyone can talk without stopping, but can they follow thru their words with real actions? Isn't that what really counts after all?

Now getting ready for another Friday meeting... a lovely way to end up the week. Overall, it has been a good week... I've been making lots of progress by actions... because there are just little words left on me to say. Now is the time, now is the action, now is what I am...

This is me today, I can't go back and change who I was before, but I can change who I am today for the today and the future... I am better and each and everyday that goes by I am better... I am a matter of choices and my choice is to be better... to take on actions...

"If you could only see
What love has made of me
Then I'd no longer be in your mind
The difficult kind
Cause babe I've changed..."


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