Uh? LOL LOL well today I was thinking that almost everyone in my team at the corporate offices are out on vacation. Our fiscal year ends next month and our policy when it comes to PTO is "use it or lose it" also because next month is the end of the fiscal year, I am sure it will be madness and; therefore, everyone is enjoying the last days of peaceful time they can get with their families, loved ones, or a keg of beer LOL.

With that thought in mind I came to the realization that it has been a month since my "very expensive" vacation at the hospital... a month since a lot of things unravel... a month since I was able to finally find the true me inside me and fall in-love with me LOL (that sounded a little narcissist LOL)... I need to celebrate the ends and new begins in my life this weekend, yeayie!

Couple days ago, after converting my apt in a war zone thanks to me re-finishing some furniture, I decided to clean around and vacuum. Ah poor Faust, he really got scare, he doesn't like the noise from the vacuum... When I was done I was looking for him and I couldn't find him... As I started to look around I saw a "pouch" under my bed's covers (see picture) and there he was LOL I thought it was so cute! He really makes me laugh!

Could you believe I am one of the 8,000 privilege people in the world to get tickets for the NCAA Women's Final Four? I feel so especial LOL... I received a letter from the NCAA stating: "we are please to inform you that a random computerized program selected your application for tickets to the 2008 NCAA Women's Final Four... The seating capacity for the 2008 Women's Final Four will be approximately 21,300; and roughly 8,000 tickets were allocated to the general public through this selection process..." I am so excited! So I have two books (the tickets are for the semi and finals)... let's see who the fortunate person is going with me!

Finally, what's the deal with 72???? I've had that number in my head since Monday... and again this morning I woke up thinking 72 Mmmm another of those mysteries...


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